Monday, April 15, 2013

42...It's not just a number...

Hello again readers & as you all know today is "Jackie Robinson day". I love this day for so many reasons & will share a few with you.

As y'all know I am a Texas girl that LOVES baseball over football & my alltime favorite player is Jackie Robinson. The other day my younger sister and I went to go see "42" the story about his life & like an idiot I was balling in the theater. These tears where not just tears of sadness but also tears of joy. Mainly because I haven't forgotten what Jackie did for baseball or the world. I say this in honesty & truth. The movie showed so much about his life & how he "silently" faught for his fellow man & for the game he loved.

Because Jackie was a dreamer, an achiever & a believer. Jackie was a legend, a hero, &  a fighter. Jackie loved the game, I love the game. Jackie was a Christian, I am a Christian. What is my point? My point is simply Jackie had thick skin. Why? Because he knew that breaking an unwritten law wouldn't be easy but he knew he had to do it. Not just for African-American baseball players but for players of all ethnicities in ALL sports.

As I was watching "42" and sobbing I couldn't help but continually, silently thank Jackie for all he did. Sure I am a GIRL but my last name IS Hispanic. 42 is not just a number it is a statement, a staple & a strong reminder that there is a "quiet" fighter in us all. It is this simble that reminds us daily that no matter what color we are we can come together as 1. 42 means "1" in that aspect because when MLB gets together on this very special day everyone on the field wears 42. PeeWee Reese said it best "...Maybe tomorrow we will all wear 42...." Today that saying is a reality Because 42 is not just a number!

So I close with this. I poudly wear 42 in spirit. Will you join me?

Until next time. Peace. Love. BASEBALL (Thanks Jackie, thanks for taking so much so I could love this game too!)